Red Stag Trophy Hunting

176 17'16.23" E39 0'19.43" S
Red Stag Trophy Hunting
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Hunt your dream Red stag trophy at Poronui

A red stag’s large size (average weight of 400lb) and huge antlers give him immense presence and make red stags the most sought-after species for hunters visiting New Zealand.

Unlike elk, no two red stags are the same. This means that you can come and hunt at Poronui and secure a very unique red stag trophy. Generally aggressive in nature, these animals aren’t shy and can be found roaming the Poronui hills. Despite their size, they’re particularly mobile, especially when defending their harem.

The Poronui landscape has a varied range of cover, native beech forest, eucalyptus plantations, native mānuka and scrub, plus large areas of open tussock and native grass. The red stags utilize the trees to help strip their velvet and color their new-season antlers. Most hunters would agree, the sight of a mature red stag with well-stained antlers is hard to refuse.

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Hunting season in NZ
When is Red Stag hunting season in New Zealand?
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