

Horse Riding at Poronui

25 November 2024

Horse Riding at Poronui

We have had a lovely beginning to our riding season.  The horses came in looking well, fat and fluffy. They are always eager to return to work at this time of the year, routine love and care from us – you can tell because they come running when you call and start grazing closer to the gate.

We start them gently, with plenty of handling, grooming and long walks to help loosen them and get them back into shape. We are very lucky to have a small good-looking team this year.  Tex, Lexi, Zani and pony Zac.

We have always had fabulous riding guides, all picked for personality with the horses and our guests.


Claire’s early days as a Horse Riding Guide

Horse riding was my first job at Poronui and I loved it – blazing the trails you would say. Purchasing the first horses, setting up the stable, buying the beautiful leather and gear which after 24 years is still looking immaculate.

horse riding in poronui

Learning the property was even more exciting – I am not one to follow instructions if it’s not fun so not often would I stick to the tracks but preferring to go off trail to find a log or stream to jump,  a tight track to navigate ducking under or climbing over things on my horse.  I spent many hours with our trapper Chris at the time following him on his trap line through and under the huge beech trees – he loved having to show me around because he got my best horse ‘Little Man’. Chris would call out names of trees, plants and birds and I would try to remember and recall them with the many guests that followed me.

My fondest memory was being in the snow with him and trees had fallen over the track ahead of us – he leaped off and pulled out a hatchet before long he was steaming like the horses- it was ghostly in the dark wooded forest. We made it home sliding most of the way.


Passing on the legacy

Now it’s my turn to teach our new guide Mackenzie the property. We have had some lovely rides over the past couple of weeks – you can easily forget the history until you ride past an old hut oven, road name, dilapidated sheep yards, broken bridges, deer…. I look back at her and she has the biggest smile, I don’t know how many times I have heard her say this is the best job she’s ever had (week two and 20 years old 😊).

happy women riding horse in poronui

A few days ago, we were coming through the tree lined driveway toward the Lodge.  The sound of the horses’ hooves on the driveway was sensational – echoing amongst the massive trees around us – clip clop clip clop clip clop.  Mackensie called out that’s my favorite sound – me too I said. As we got to the entrance of the Lodge, I slid off my horse and passed her to Mackenzie to return to the Stables. Running down the drive to be on time to a zoom meeting – I thought lucky they can’t smell me in the meeting but then again too bad that’s my favorite smell – Horse!

Being on a horse has beautiful freedom, it enlightens your senses to sound and smell, you are carried so your eyes are alert to all the movements and scenes around you. Magnificent animals and Poronui a magnificent property to take a ride. Mackenzie has now taken a handful of guests riding and they have all said the best riding ever!

horse riding in poronui

“And so, If you love to ride and explore bring your steed or we will choose the best fit for you from our Stable, we look forward to setting out with you”.

Claire Hall, Lodge Manager


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