Walking & Hiking

176 17'16.23" E39 0'19.43" S
Walking & Hiking

Enjoy breath-taking scenery at your own pace.

Take a leisurely stroll or take to the hill-country trails. With so many walks on the property, it would be impossible to cover them all in a week’s stay.

For those wanting real solitude, take one of our simple maps and perhaps a picnic lunch for the day.

Alternatively our guided walks take you to the more remote corners of the property with a chance to view/photograph some of our indigenous flora and fauna. This is a unique opportunity to retrace the steps of early settlers, deer cullers, fishermen, hunters and pioneering farmers.

The 6,000 acres of native beech forest is a haven for endangered species such as native mistletoe and bush falcons.



New Zealand is well known for its impressive mountain scenery. Experience some of the most spectacular land forms in the country with a heli-hike from Poronui.

We are privileged to have access to much of the Maori-owned land in the surrounding Central North Island.  Poronui will transport you to these truly remote areas so that you and your guide can enjoy the magic of the high-country in solitude.

Add a guided hike to your itinerary

A great way to explore the property and reach your step goal. Add a guided hike to any accommodation package from $420 for a half day or $720 for a full day (group rates).


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