
Hunting Experiences

Heck of a Red Stag Season Ahead

11 February 2019

Read our head hunting guide Mark McGlashan’s thoughts about the upcoming 2019 red stag hunting season at Poronui.

The weather has been favourable in the build up to the season. After a mild winter, great spring and very good early summer, our stags have grown some tremendous antler. I have never seen so many drop tines and stickers on a group of stags. Mostly put down to an abundance of good quality food. This has contributed to a larger than usual herd of the big stags.

Nearly all the red stags have left the hills already. They have spread out and are looking for trees and scrub to clean the velvet off their antlers and eventually colour them up. The bark on some of the eucalyptus trees has been torn to pieces!

These good early signs mean that we are really looking forward to the season starting at the end of the month. A good number of hunters are booked to come and stalk the Poronui hills with us. There are a couple of small windows, if anyone else wants a nice Poronui Red Stag – enquire now.


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